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How to get to Chapada dos Veadeiros by plane

There are no airports near Chapada dos Veadeiros. The closest airport to Chapada dos Veadeiros is Brasília International Airport, located in the Federal District and 235 km from Alto Paraíso de Goiás. From Alto Paraíso, it is another 36 km to the village of São Jorge. Another airport option, this one not so close, is Goiânia Airport, located 425 km from Alto Paraíso and with a land route through Brasília. Therefore, all tourists who wish to get to Chapada by plane will have to do the final stretch by land.

How to get to Alto Paraíso by car

The road that connects Brasília to Chapada dos Veadeiros is BR-010, 100% paved. It will be 235 km from Brasília International Airport to the city of Alto Paraíso de Goiás. The journey takes, on average, 3h50. On the way to the waterfalls, the roads are almost always dirt and of poor quality (often really bad), which requires a lot of driving. The region is not served by public transport and tourism agencies are still in their infancy, which often makes it difficult to take longer trips. If possible, go by car!

How to get to Alto Paraíso by bus

For those who do not want to rent a car, the best option to get to Chapada dos Veadeiros is to take the route from the Brasília Interstate Bus Station to Alto Paraíso de Goiás. There is no direct bus to São Jorge. The route, from Brasília, is operated by Real Expresso. The trip costs approximately R$52 and there are, on average, three buses per day, one in the morning and two in the evening. The trip takes between 3h30 and 4h30.

Carpooling, private transportation to Alto Paraíso leaving from Brasília

It is not uncommon for people to get a ride to Chapada dos Veadeiros. There are even communities on Facebook that organize the scheme between tourists and drivers, such as Conexão Chapada and Carpool Solidarity Chapada dos Veadeiros.