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Trilheiras na Estrada Ecotur


Trilheiras na Estrada was born from the love of hiking in search of the most beautiful waterfalls and landscapes of this paradise that is the Cerrado. With vast experience in trails around the Federal District and especially in Chapada dos Veadeiros, we take you, ecotourism lover, to emerge, energize and feel nature in its deepest state of preservation and beauty.

We are guides accredited by ICMBIO (Chico Mendes Institute) and associated with the Association of Guides of Quilombo Kalunga (AGQK).

Our mission is to raise awareness about the preservation of the cerrado, the savanna with the greatest biodiversity in the world, and to make our guides feel fulfilled for having visited or revisited Chapada dos Veadeiros.

We look forward to seeing you! Come, slow down, when you are here observe the sky, see the mountains, listen to the birds, feel the fresh air, the wind on your face, throw yourself into the blue, green and clear waters that exist in this paradise called Chapada dos Veadeiros.

