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Jardim do Éden



Leaving, like so many, the "big city" in the 70s, the couple Lucia and Eduardo have been following their path in search of harmony and integration with the universe, the environment, nature and plants.

One day the thought occurred to them that God, observing all that he had already accomplished, would have collected from every corner of the universe his best results to gather them in one place, sublime to live, beginning there the process of creating the Earth, paradise, the "Garden of Eden".

The Garden of Eden

This thought of creating beauty and living within it motivated the couple so much that, in 1993, right in the heart of the city of Alto Paraíso-GO, they founded the "Garden of Eden", an environment where it would be a pleasure to be.

Investing in the harmony and beauty of plants, filling spaces with devotional gardens, planting medicinal and aromatic herbs and ornamental plants, he began to build his little paradise there.

Medicinal Plants

The progressive adaptation of unusual plants to the place led to several projects, such as the production of original tea blends, sauces with fine herbs, beauty products, seedlings, etc., thus giving rise to the brand "Jardim do Eden Plantas Especiais", of these products.

Time passed and Jardim do Eden began to attract residents and also many people who come in search of the wild beauty of this cradle of waters, which is Chapada dos Veadeiros.

Discover this unforgettable inn for yourself.



  • (62) 3446-1395