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Aldeia Multiétnica


The Multiethnic Village is a project dedicated to strengthening the cultures and political struggles of indigenous and quilombola peoples. Held by the Cavaleiro de Jorge Cultural Center since 2007, it is divided into two strands: the event, which takes place every July; and the cultural space for experiential tourism, with a trail circuit to the Almécegas I, Almécegas II and Caboclos waterfalls, the Rio dos Couros beach, a cultural circuit of art exhibitions, visits to indigenous houses, a guest house, a camping area, a restaurant and a Multiethnic Network store.



  • (61) 9 8585-7670
  • aldeia@encontrodeculturas.com.br
  • https://www.facebook.com/aldeiamultietnica
  • https://www.instagram.com/aldeiamultietnica