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Caminho de Santiago


The Caminho de Santiago Inn is located in Alto Paraiso de Goiás, in the heart of Chapada dos Veadeiros, about 220km from Brasília and about 2.5km from the nearest waterfall, the Loquinhas sanctuary, 38km from Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park and 12km from Vilarejo do Moinho, a beautiful community that holds some of the jewels of Paradise such as Dona Flor, known worldwide for its cerrado medicine, and the Anjos and Arcanjos waterfalls.

Here, you can rest your body and rest your spirit, as well as stir your soul and celebrate nature, along trails, cut by the strength and experience of the Calungas, with eyes ready to capture every detail of the richest biodiversity on the planet.

Species of plants, animals and minerals coexist in a secret space, rich in mysteries and stories from other worlds, assimilated in accordance with the cognitive spirit of the man who ventures to discover the almost invisible world that hides in Chapada dos Veadeiros.



  • (61) 98304-6814
  • reservas@pousadacaminhodesantiago.com.br