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Camping e Cachoeira dos Cristais


Located approximately 7 km from Alto Paraíso - Chapada dos Veadeiros, our trail has several levels of difficulty, starting at “Poço da Vovó” (ideal for children and the elderly) and just 200 meters from the parking lot, and ending at “Véu de Noiva” Waterfall. It is the ideal place for people of different ages and physical conditions.

After the tour, you can replenish your energy in our cafeteria with delicious snack and drink options. Try the best pastel in Chapada!!!

Here we also have access to Cachoeira da Água Fria on a 1700m trail within the native vegetation of the cerrado, surrounded by flower fields and crystal rocks, with a beautiful view.

We also offer a camping area with all the facilities of communal kitchen, hammocks, bathrooms and a campfire area, for those who want to make the most of the region, sleeping under the stars and waking up “literally” in the waterfall.



  • (62) 98414-9054
  • cachoeiradoscristais@gmail.com