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Vendinha 1961


Vendinha 1961 is a dream come true!

To maintain tradition and bring joy to our beloved Chapada dos Veadeiros, we founded "Vendinha 1961" on the day slavery was abolished (May 13) to pay homage to the traditional peoples of the region: Kalungas, prospectors and backwoodsmen, creating an environment that recalls the old "vendinhas", where you could find a little bit of everything, in addition to being the best meeting point for good conversations between old and new friends.

We have prepared a very diverse menu with soups, pastries ("the best of Chapada"), snacks (set dishes), portions, sandwiches, special cachaças, drinks, craft beers, wines and much more.

Welcome to Vendinha 1961, here we share the dream with you!!



  • (62) 3446-1174
  • vendinha1961@outlook.com